Full System Redesign
Along with two other designers we made the biggest redesign of the touchscreen user interface since the launch of the Model S. The main goals were to have an all new navigation and music playback apps, a simplified clutter-free experience throughout the system, and a visual update to a modern appearance. My primary responsibilities were updating the design of every component and screen outside of the maps and music apps. To speed development of the new visual design I created an entirely new design system in Sketch, established an asset creation process that made it easy to update the builds with new assets, and integrated and tested every asset.
To support experimenting with the designs and build interactive demos for feedback from stakeholders I created a prototyping environment where we could use the actual car hardware connected to a Mac with touch support by writing a custom device driver. Having a seamless rapid prototyping environment greatly improved the design feedback cycles and gave a clearer target for engineer to hit their aggressive deadlines.
Instrument Cluster
For the redesign of the Instrument Cluster I designed, prototyped, and ultimately implemented many changes to improve the experience. Notable changes were a full redesign of the music player that incorporated 75% larger display of the album artwork, changing the interaction model and visuals of the app selector, a full redesign of the charging screen with a much larger display of the charge status.